时间:1989年6月6日0750 bjt 频率:21mhz 对方呼号:bv2fa 对方信号:599,qsb至zan 本台信号:539 联络过程: bv2fa: cq de bv2fa by1pk: bv2fa de by1pk bv2fa: by1pk de bv2fa gm tks fer call we are concerned abt situation in pek by1pk: gm dr om tks hr is ok ur rst is 599 my name is chen bv2fa: tks fer qsl 599 dr chen ur rst 529 my surename tang by1pk: ok dr tang om my rig is qrp 4 watts ant is wire on my window hr will qsl es pse qsl hw? bc2fa: ...... shall ...... cpy ...... qsb ...... my qsl via dj9zb ur rig 5 wtts es wire on window ok? by1pk: ur qsl info is via dj9zb ok? my rig is 4 wtts es ant is ok pse ur qsl to po box 6106 beijing hw? bv2fa: qsl info ok are you safe in beijing univ? ba1pk: hr situation seems better and many people walking in street bv2fa: situation seems better many people walking on street fb we heard two armies fighting each other is it ture? by1pk: no situation hr is not as bad as news from usa situation is peace nw bv2fa: i ...... not situation ...... es no ...... infighting ...... by1pk: ...... (qsb es znn)