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wb4916 2010-04-12 23:52





technical data
order this document
by mc145162/d

60 mhz and 85 mhz universal programmable dual pll frequency synthesizers

the mc145162 is a dual phase-locked loop (pll) frequency synthesizer especially designed for ct-1 cordless phone applications worldwide. this frequency synthesizer is also for any product with a frequency operation at 60 mhz or below.

the mc145162-1 is a high frequency derivative of the mc145162, for products with operating frequencies of 85 mhz or below.

the device features fully programmable receive, transmit, reference, and auxiliary reference counters accessed through an mcu serial interface. this feature allows this device to operate in any ct-1 cordless phone application. the device consists of two independent phase detectors for transmit and receive loops. a common reference oscillator, driving two independent reference frequency counters, provides independent reference frequencies for transmit and receive loops. the auxiliary reference counter allows the user to select an additional reference frequency for receive and transmit loops if required.

operating voltage range: 2.5 to 5.5 v
operating temperature range: – 40 to + 75°c
operating power consumption: 3.0 ma @ 2.5 v
maximum operating frequency:
  mc145162   - 60 mhz @ 200 mv p–p, vdd = 2.5 v
  mc145162-1 - 85 mhz @ 250 mv p–p, vdd = 2.5 v
three or four pins used for serial mcu interface din
built-in mcu clock output with frequency of reference oscillator ÷3/÷4
power saving mode controlled by mcu mcuclk
lock detect signal
on-chip reference oscillator supports external crystals to 16.0 mhz
reference frequency counter division range: 16 to 4095
auxiliary reference frequency counter division range: 16 to 16,383
transmit counter division range: 16 to 65,535
receive counter division range: 16 to 65,535
rev 3.1
(c) motorola, inc. 1998

通过 mc145162/d 来订购本文

可达到60 mhz 和 85 mhz 的、通用的、可编程的双pll频率合成器

mc145162是一个双锁相环频率合成器,适用于全球范围内的ct-1制式的无绳电话。同样适用于需要60 mhz以下的频率其它产品。

mc145162-1是mc145162的高频版本,工作频率高达85 mhz。


工作电压范围:2.5 到 5.5 v。
工作温度范围:–40 到 +75℃
功耗:3.0 ma @ 2.5 v最大工作频率:
  mc145162   - 60 mhz @ 200 mv p–p, vdd = 2.5 v
  mc145162-1 - 85 mhz @ 250 mv p–p, vdd = 2.5 v
内置的参考晶体,支持外置的晶体可达16.0 mhz
rev 3.1
(c) motorola, inc. 1998


pin descriptions

input pins

reference oscillator input/output (pins 7, 8)

these pins form a reference oscillator when connected to an external parallel-resonant crystal. figure 6 shows the relationship of different crystal frequencies and reference frequencies for cordless phone applications in various countries. oscin may also serve as input for an externally generated reference signal which is typically ac coupled.

system clock (pin 5)

this output pin provides a signal of the crystal frequency (oscout) divided by 3 or 4 that is controlled by a bit in the control register.

this signal can be a clock source for the mcu or other system clocks.

adin, din, clk, enb
auxiliary data in, data in, clock, enable (pins 2, 3, 1, 4)

these four pins provide an mcu serial interface for programming the reference counter, the transmit-channel counter, and the receive-channel counter. they also provide various controls of the pll including the power saving mode and the programming format.

txps/ftx, rxps/frx
transmit power save, receive power save (pins 13, 11)

for a normal application, these output pins provide the status of the internal power saving mode operation. if the transmit-channels counter circuitry is in power down mode, txps/ftx outputs a high state. if the receive-channels counter circuitry is in power down mode, rxps/frx is set high. these outputs can be applied for controlling the external power switch for the transmitter and the receiver to save mcu control pins.

in the tx/rx channel counter test mode, the txps/ftx and rxps/frx pins output the divided value of the transmit channel counter (ftx) and the receive channel counter (frx), respectively. this test mode operation is controlled by the control register. details of the counter test mode are in the tx/rx channel counter test section of this data sheet.

transmit/receive counter inputs (pins 14, 9)

fin-t and fin-r are inputs to the transmit and the receive counters, respectively. these signals are typically driven from the loop vco and ac coupled. the minimum input signal level is 200 mv p-p @ 60.0 mhz.

output pins

transmit/receive phase detector outputs (pins 15, 10)

these are three-state outputs of the transmit and receive phase detectors for use as loop error signals (see figure 7 for phase detector output waveforms). phase detector gain is vdd/4 π volts per radian.

frequency fv > fr or fv leading: output = negative pulse.
frequency fv < fr or fv lagging: output = positive pulse.
frequency fv = fr and phase coincidence: output = high-impedance state.

note: fr is the divided-down reference frequency at the phase detector input and fv is the divided-down vco frequency at the phase detector input.

lock detect (pin 16)

the lock detect signal is associated with the transmit loop. the output at a high level indicates an out-of-lock condition (see figure 7 for the ld output waveform).

power supply

positive power supply (pin 12)

vdd is the most positive power supply potential ranging from 2.5 to 5.5 v with respect to vss.

negative power supply (pin 6)

vss is the most negative supply potential and is usually connected to ground.

crystal ÷n value fr1→b fr2→c
11.150 mhz 446 6.25 khz 1.0 khz
11.150 mhz 223 12.5 khz
10.240 mhz 512 5.0 khz
12.000 mhz 600 5.0 khz

figure 6. reference frequencies for cordless phone applications of various countries









adin, din, clk, enb


txps/ftx, rxps/frx


在tx/rx通道计数器处于测试模式时, txps/ftx 与 rxps/frx引脚分别输出发射通道计数器(ftx)和接收通道计数器(frx)的分频值。控制寄存器控制这个测试模式。计数器的测试模式的详细资料,在本数据手册的 tx/rx 通道计数器测试部分。


fin-t 和 fin-r 被分别输入到发射与接收计数器。这些信号通常由vco环路驱动,且为ac耦合。最小的输入信号电平为 200 mv p-p @ 60.0 mhz。



这些发射与接收相位检测器三态输出脚,被用作环路错误信号(参见图7:相位检测器的输出波形)。鉴相器增益为vdd/4 π v/弧度。

频率:fv > fr 或 fv 超前:输出 = 负脉冲
频率:fv < fr 或 fv 滞后:输出 = 正脉冲
频率:fv = fr 且同相:   输出 = 高阻抗状态






vdd对vss的范围为2.5-5.5 v。



crystal   ÷n value fr1→b   fr2→c
11.150 mhz 446     6.25 khz 1.0 khz
11.150 mhz 223     12.5 khz
10.240 mhz 512     5.0 khz
12.000 mhz 600     5.0 khz



wb4916 2010-04-12 23:53

vh = high voltage level.
vl = low voltage level.
*at this point, when both fr and fv are in phase, the output is forced to near mid supply.

note: the txpdout and rxpdout generate error pulses during out-of-lock conditions. when locked in phase and frequency, the output is high impedance and the voltage at that pin is determined by the low-pass filter capacitor.

figure 7. phase detector/lock detector output waveforms

mcu programming scheme

the mcu programming scheme is defined in two formats controlled by the enb input. if the enable signal is high during the serial data transfer, control register/reference frequency programming is selected. if the enb is low, programming of the transmit and receive counters is selected. during programming of the transmit and receive counters, both adin and din pins can input the data to the transmit and receive counters. both counters' data is clocked into the pll internal shift register at the leading edge of the clk signal. it is not necessary to reprogram the reference frequency counter/control register when using the enable signal to program the transmit/receive channels.

in programming the control register/reference frequency scheme, the most significant bit (msb) of the programming word identifies whether the input data is the control word or the reference frequency data word. if the msb is 1, the input data is the control word (figure 8). also see figure 8 and table 1 for control register and bit function. if the msb is 0, the input data is the reference frequency (figure 9).

the reference frequency data word is a 32-bit word containing the 12-bit reference frequency data, the 14-bit auxiliary reference frequency counter information, the reference frequency selection plus, the auxiliary reference frequency counter enable bit (figure 9).

if the aux ref enb bit is high, the 14–bit auxiliary reference frequency counter provides an additional phase reference frequency output for the loops. if aux ref enb bit is low, the auxiliary reference frequency counter is forced into power-down mode for current saving. (other power down modes are also provided through the control register per table 2 and figure 8.) at the falling edge of the enb signal, the data is stored in the registers.

there are two interfacing schemes for the universal channel mode: the three-pin and the four-pin interfacing schemes. the three-pin interfacing scheme is suited for use with the mcu spi (serial peripheral interface) (figure 10), while the four-pin interfacing scheme is commonly used for general i/o port connection (figure 11).

for the three-pin interfacing scheme, the auxiliary data select bit is set to 0. all 32 bits of data, which define both the 16-bit transmit counter and the 16-bit receive counter, latch into the pll internal register through the data in pins at the leading edge of clk. see figures 12 and 13.

for the four-pin interfacing scheme, the auxiliary data select bit is set to 1. in this scheme, the 16-bit transmit counter's data enters into the adin pin at the same time as the 16-bit receive counter's data enters into the din pin. this simultaneous entry of the transmit and receive counters causes the programming period of the four-pin scheme to be half that of the three-pin scheme (see figures 14 and 15).

while programming tx/rx channel counter, the enb pin must be pulsed to provide falling edge to latch the shifted data after the rising edge of the last clock. maximum data transfer rate is 500 kbps.


10 ms should be allowed for initial start-up time for the oscillator to allow all registers to clear and enable programming of new register values.


vh = 高电平
vl = 低电平

注意:当失锁的时候,txpdout 和 rxpdout引脚产生错误的脉冲。当相位和频率锁定时,输出端为高阻态、那个脚的电压取决于低通滤波电容。



mcu的编程方法有两种格式,由enb输入引脚所控制。在串行数据传输的时候,假如使能信号为高,控制寄存器/参考频率编程被选中。假如enb为低时,发射计数器与接收计数器的被选中编程。在发射计数器与接收计数器编程期间,adin 和 din脚都能输入数据到发射与接收计数器。在clk信号的上升沿,两个计数器的数据时序移入pll的内置移位寄存器。当用使能信号来编程发射/接收通道时,不必重新编程参考频率计数器/控制寄存器。







当编程tx/rx通道计数器,enb脚必须动作,以便在上次时钟的上升沿之后提供下降沿来锁存移位数据。最大数据传输速率为500 kbps。





control register identifier = 1
control register data

note: enb must be high during the serial transfer.
figure 8. programming format of the control register
table 1. control register function bits description

test bit
set to 1 for tx/rx channel counter test mode
set to 0 for normal application

aux data select
set to 1 for both adin and din pins inputting the transmit 16–bits data and receive 16-bits data respectively.
set to 0 for normal application interfacing with mcu serial peripheral interface. does not use adin pin; tie adin to vss.

if set to 1, refout output frequency is equal to oscout ÷3.
if set to 0, refout output is oscout ÷4.

txpd enable
if set to 1, the transmit counter, transmit phase detector, and the associated circuitry is in power-down mode.
tx ps/ftx is set "high".

rxpd enable
if set to 1, the receive counter, receive phase detector, and the associated circuitry is in power-down mode.
rx ps/frx is set "high".

ref pd enable
if set to 1, both 12-bit and 14-bit reference frequency counters are in power-down mode.

table 2. control register power down bits function

txpd enable rxpd enable ref pd enable tx-channel counter rx-channel counter reference frequency counter
0         0         0           -             -             -
0         0         1           -             -             power down
0         1         0           -             power down       -
0         1         1           -             power down       power down
1         0         0           power down       -             -
1         0         1           power down       -             power down
1         1         0           power down       power down       -
1         1         1           power down       power down       power down




置1:adin 和 din脚分别输入16位发射数据和16位接收数据。

置1:refout输出频率 = oscout ÷ 3。
置0:refout输出频率 = oscout ÷ 4。

txpd 启用
tx ps/ftx 被置高。

rxpd 启用
rx ps/frx 被置高。

ref pd 启用


txpd enable rxpd enable ref pd enable tx-channel counter rx-channel counter reference frequency counter
0         0         0           -             -             -
0         0         1           -             -             power down
0         1         0           -             power down       -
0         1         1           -             power down       power down
1         0         0           power down       -             -
1         0         1           power down       -             power down
1         1         0           power down       power down       -
1         1         1           power down       power down       power down


wb4916 2010-04-12 23:54

note: enb must be low during the serial transfer.

figure 15. programming format for transmit and receive counters
(4-pin interfacing scheme)

table 3. global ct-1 reference frequency setting vs channel frequencies

country   channels frequency         fr1           fr2
u.s.a.     46/49 mhz (10, 15, 25 channels) 5.0 khz       —
france     26/41 mhz               6.25 khz/12.5 khz —
spain     31/41 mhz               5.0 khz       —
australia   30/39 mhz               5.0 khz       —
u.k.     1.7/47 mhz               6.25 khz       1.0 khz
new zealand 1.7/34/40 mhz             6.25 khz       1.0 khz

reference frequency selection
and programming

figure 16 shows the bit function of the reference frequency programming word. the user can either select the "fixed" reference frequency for all channels accordingly or provide a specific reference frequency for a particular channel by using two reference frequency counters (e.g., for an application in france, the base set transmit channel common fixed reference frequency is 6.25 khz or 12.5 khz). (see table 3 and
figure 6 for reference frequencies for various countries.) however, transmit channels 6, 8, and 14 can be set to 25 khz, and channel 8 reference frequency can be set to 50 khz. but this reference frequency may not be applied to the receiving side; therefore, the receiving side reference frequency must be generated by another reference frequency counter. the higher the reference frequency, the better the phase noise performance and faster the lock time, but the pll consumes more current if both reference frequency counters are in operation.

in general, the 12-bit reference frequency counter plus the ÷4 and ÷25 module can offer all the reference frequencies for global ct-1 transmit and receive channel requirements. users can select their own reference frequency by introducing the additional 14-bit auxiliary reference frequency counter.

again, the 14-bit auxiliary reference frequency counter can be shut down by the auxiliary reference enable bit in the reference counter programming word by setting the bit to 0. at this state, the fr2 is automatically connected to point c (the ÷25 block output), and fr1 can be connected to point a or b by setting the fr1-s1 and fr1-s2 bits in the reference counter program word. the 14-bit auxiliary reference frequency counter data will be in "don't care" state.

if the 14-bit auxiliary reference frequency counter is enabled (auxiliary reference enable = 1), then fr2 is automatically connected to point d (14-bit counter output), and fr1 can be selected to connect to point a, b, or c, depending on the bit setting of fr1-s1 and fr1-s2.

table 4 and figure 16 describe the functions of the auxiliary reference enable bit and the fr1-s1 and fr1-s2 bits selection.





country   channels frequency         fr1           fr2
u.s.a.     46/49 mhz (10, 15, 25 channels) 5.0 khz       —
france     26/41 mhz               6.25 khz/12.5 khz —
spain     31/41 mhz               5.0 khz       —
australia   30/39 mhz               5.0 khz       —
u.k.     1.7/47 mhz               6.25 khz       1.0 khz
new zealand 1.7/34/40 mhz             6.25 khz       1.0 khz


图16显示了参考频率编程字的位功能。用户可以为所有的通道选择“固定”参考频率,或者通过使用2个参考频率计数器,为一个特定的通道提供一个特定参考频率,(例如,法国的参考频率固定为6.25 khz 或 12.5 khz)。(参见表3和表6,各国的参考频率)但是发射通道6、8和14可设成25 khz,通道8的参考频率可设为50 khz。但是这个参考频率可能不能被用在接收端;此外,接收端的参考频率必须由另外一个参考频率计数器产生。参考频率越高,相位噪声性能越好,锁定所需要的时间越短。但是两个参考频率计数器都在工作的话,pll将消耗更多电流。

通常情况下,12位的参考频率计数器加上÷4 和 ÷25模块,可以提供所有的参考频率,以满足全球的ct-1制式发射通道和接收通道的需要。用户可以选择他们自己的参考频率,通过引入额外的14位辅助参考频率计数器。

同样地,通过在参考计数器编程字中,设置辅助参考使能位为0,14位辅助参考频率计数器就会被关闭。在这种情况下,fr2被自动连到c点(÷25块输出)。通过设置参考计数器编程字里面的fr1-s1 与 fr1-s2位,fr1可连接到a或b点。此时,14位辅助参考频率计数器数据处于“无效”状态。

假如14位辅助参考频率计数器启用(辅助参考位=1),fr2将自动连接到d点(14位计数器输出),fr1可选为连接到a、b或c点,取决于fr1-s1 与 fr1-s2位的设置。

表4和图16描述了:辅助参考使能位、fr1-s1 与 fr1-s2 位设置的功能。


BH7KQK 2010-04-13 00:43

BA6QH/QRP 2010-04-13 05:31
bu cou

a00183 2010-04-18 12:50
有本motorola 集成电路应用技术丛书〈锁相环频率合成〉,是中文的。在241页有较详细的介绍。这本书可以在网上找到电子版的。

bg4uan 2010-05-23 19:01
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bh8cso 2013-01-16 00:43

bg7doz 2018-07-26 10:28

田鼠 2021-12-06 10:14

马超2020 2023-11-09 18:03

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